Sociólogo - Escritor

El material de este blog es de libre acceso y reproducción. No está financiado por Nestlé ni por Monsanto. Desinformarnos no depende de ellas ni de otras como ellas, pero si de ti. Apoya al periodismo independiente. Es tuyo.

"La Casa de la Magdalena" (1977), "Essays of Resistance" (1991), "El destino de Norte América", de José Carlos Mariátegui. En narrativa ha escrito la novela "Secreto de desamor", Rentería Editores, Lima 2007, "Mufida, La angolesa", Altazor Editores, Lima, 2011; "Mujeres malas Mujeres buenas", (2013) vicio perfecto vicio perpetuo, poesía. Algunos ensayos, notas periodísticas y cuentos del autor aparecen en diversos medios virtuales.
Jorge Aliaga es peruano-escocés y vive entre el Perú y Escocia.
email address:

23 de enero de 2022

The Motorcycle Diaries.

I recommend my friends to read this wonderful book through which we will be able to appreciate the beginings of the most significant man of the 20th century. I am referring to Ernesto 'Che' Guevara.
Jorge Aliaga Cacho.

In January 1952, two young men from Buenos Aires set out to explore South America on 'La Poderosa', the Powerful One: a 500cc Norton. One of them was the twenty-three-year-old 'Che' Guevara.
Written eight years before the Cuban revolution, these are Che's diaries - full of disasters and discoveries, high drama, low comedy and laddish improvisations. During his travels through Argentina, Chile, Perú and Venezuela, Che's main concern are where the next drink is coming from, where the next bed is to be found and who might be around to share it.
Within a decade the whole world would know his name. His trip might have been the adventure of a lifetime - had his life time not turned into a much greater adventure.
'What distinguishes these diaries is that they reveal a human side to El Che which historians have succesfully managed to suppress.. A joy to read from start to finish'. FINANCIAL TIMES.

'When I read this notes for the first time, they were not yet in a book form and I did not know the person who had written them. I was much younger then and I inmediately identified with this man who had narrated his adventures in such a spontaneous manner. Of course, as I continued reading, I began to see more clearly who this person was and I was very happy to be his daughter'.
Aleida Guevara.

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