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"La Casa de la Magdalena" (1977), "Essays of Resistance" (1991), "El destino de Norte América", de José Carlos Mariátegui. En narrativa ha escrito la novela "Secreto de desamor", Rentería Editores, Lima 2007, "Mufida, La angolesa", Altazor Editores, Lima, 2011; "Mujeres malas Mujeres buenas", (2013) vicio perfecto vicio perpetuo, poesía. Algunos ensayos, notas periodísticas y cuentos del autor aparecen en diversos medios virtuales.
Jorge Aliaga es peruano-escocés y vive entre el Perú y Escocia.
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7 de enero de 2022

Scotland Independence: A brief history.

With Colin Fox, leader of the Scottish Socialist Party

Scotland has been a distinct national entity for aroun 1200 years, since 844 when Kenneth McAlpin united Scots and Picts. Our present border with England dates back to 1018, ratifieid by the Treaty of York in 1237. The boundaries of Scotland have been largely unchanged for the best part of 1,000 years.
Under our laws and customs, the people of Scotland claimed and consented only to kings and rulers who will defend our nation and sovereignty - most notably in the justly famous Declaration of Arbroath, issued by the community of the realm in 1320.
The Union of the Crowns (1603) inevitable led to the loss of power in Edinburgh, but dynastic and religious unheaval in the 17th century probably did more harm.
The Union of the Parliamens of England and Scotland (Treaty of Union 1706), and Acts of Union 1707) was driven by a mixture of bribery, thwarted ambition and coerción. Undoubtedly, if Scotland had not agreed to an incorporating union, political, economic and military pressure would have forced a union. It was not popular, and removed all political power from Scotland, although in fact Scots law, religious freedom and most other day to day functions such as education and local Government remained in Scotland's control.

Source: Scotland and Independence.

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